Don't make my stupid mistakes

You said keep it real, keep it you.

So tonight,

I want to share with you 5 lessons I learned about

The pain of life, friendship, and entrepreneurship.

1. True friends are rare, most are situationships

When I was building the Misfit Way community,

Everyone was like “go Amine”, “you rock amine”, “we support you amine”.

But when I needed support the most?

It's gone.

(Almost) no one to be found.

Most people root for you only when you're on the top.

But when you are at rock bottom,

They move on to the next one.

So be careful,

Not everyone who roots for you, roots for you.
Know your roots.

A good question to ask people around you is this:

Why are you spending time with me?

And watch their eyes, lips, hands, and body lies to your face.

2. Success and failure are both
a function of habit

You get used to being busy all the time, on sales calls, making work work, doing moves, creating content, hosting events, networking... whatever it is to make money while you do your thing.

You also get used to be lazy, being broke, to hide in your own little corner, to wait until someone comes and save you, to be a function of failure.

And IT'S HARD to get back from one side of the balance to the other.

3. Life comes and goes in seasons

Do not think for one split of a second that what you have is permanent.

All is temporary.

Health, wealth, lifestyle, people, status, time...

All temporary.

- I had 10,000 followers on LinkedIn that I spent half a decade building, gone

- I had the body of my dream that I spent years perfecting, gone

- I had clients I thought would stay for as long as I was in business, gone

- I had people that I thought were mentors, friends, partners... strangers

- I had dreams, goals, ambitions, aspirations, motivations, purpose that I thought I'd reach before a certain age/year/metric... lost

Let me summarize the above in one word:


As my old friend Gabe Ratliff once said to me:

Life can (and will) life you sometimes.

The only thing that is permanent is faith in Allah.

Religion is timeless.

But how many people focus on timeless values?

Only a selected few...

And who to blame?

4. We live in a soul sucking, heartbreaking, materialistic world

How can you be fully present in practicing your faith

when all you think about is how to buy the next thing.

How to buy a car
How to buy a house
How to buy a plane ticket
How to buy a service/product
How to buy the happiness of another person

To buy yourself distractions from living.

Or worse,

Distractions from your faith.

In the early 90s and 80s,

Industrialism was the slavery of the body.

In the late 2000s,

Industrialism has become the slavery of the mind.

How much time do you truly think you have to get all the wealth, health, and status in the world?

Life is short.

Afterlife is forever.

Are you getting any closer to winning/having any?

5. Good old... Pain of discipline
or the pain of regret?

You know what's crazy about all this?

You will read this and think to yourself:

“This will never happen to me.”

Until it does,

then it hits you.

Then it's too late.

Then it hurts real f* bad.

So please,

Learn from my mistakes.

One lesson can save your life.

One action can change your whole trajectory.

Don't be stupid,

Don't make the same mistakes.

Be safe.


Amine Hammou

Monetize your personal brand, and launch 6-figure info-products on-demand.

Read more from Amine Hammou
Misfit Since 1998

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