Misfit Since 1998

Today's email is special !

This misfit turned 26 years old, 3 days ago...

And I usually do some form of a community launch, reunion, or public event to celebrate this with you.

But as I'm getting older and life's getting harder,

Birthday events are no longer my thing.

Nor did anyone remember.

(Besides you Guylaine ofc! You're a G)

Yet I do miss my community and I still believe it will have a bright future.

As a matter of fact,

I've been getting an overwhelming positive flow
of emails in the last couple of weeks:

Thank you to all my internet friends :))

You know who you are!

Just in case you missed my stories, here are they:

> I'm sorry mama, I failed you

> Making Money Online SUCKS!

> Don't make my stupid mistakes


Moving forward with the last quarter of the year.

A couple of Life & Business Updates

2024 Edition

1) Tools & Software

The only tool I recommend for email (they just rebranded) !

I recommend Telegram for note-taking and comms

I recommend Arc Browser for web navigation

I recommend Google NoteBookLM for content-to-audio conversion

I recommend Notion + Notion AI as your second brain

I can't cover all the tools I recommend in one email,

So if you want to check the rest of them:

All The Tools & Resources I Recommend

(Some links above are affiliate links)

2) Business & Strategy

Offer: Book (predictably) 1, 3+ calls with your potential customers in less than 30 days without relying on social media or paid ads.

Who's it for: Brand strategists with a proven service (i.e., you can prove to me that people have bought and benefitted from your service) and an email list of at least 500 subs (of your ideal customers).

Funnel: VSL Free Training / Educational Email Course + Sales Email Sequence + CTA to Book a Call

Traffic: Email List + Social Media (IG & X)

Motto: Simple > Complicated

Portfolio: Just got updated!

I've added some new case studies.

P.S. If you want to hire me to craft an email campaign for you — and if you’re willing to wait a few weeks — then book a call with me here to discuss your project.

3) Life Updates

New (hourly) schedule:

5am - 6.30am: الفجر (Quran & Prayer)

6.30am - 8.30am:

  • Sleep / Read / Workout / Work / Shower

8.30am - 9am: Coffee

9am - 12.30pm: Deep Work

  • Lead gen
  • Client Work
  • Writing / Content Marketing

12.30pm - 1.30pm ish: الظهر (Quran & Prayer)

1.30pm ish - 3pm:

  • Work (Calls) / Read / Workout

3pm - 4pm:

  • Eat + Sleep

4pm - 5pm: العصر (Quran & Prayer)

5pm - 6.30pm:

  • Work / Teach Mom / Workout

6.30pm - 6.45pm: المغرب Prayer

6.45pm - 8pm:

  • Work
  • Eat
  • حلقة علم

8pm - 9pm: العشاء Prayer

  • Break, Hangout with Friends

9pm - 10pm: Read & Quran

10pm - 5am: Sleep

That's it for now,

Those are the new updates!

Oh, and before I let you go...

Can I ask you something?

I recently was told “I'm talented” but it is hard to pinpoint what that talent is...

So I want to ask you:

What do you believe my talent is?

Why are you listening to me?



Amine Hammou

Monetize your personal brand, and launch 6-figure info-products on-demand.

Read more from Amine Hammou
Dont make my stupid mistakes

You said keep it real, keep it you. So tonight, I want to share with you 5 lessons I learned about The pain of life, friendship, and entrepreneurship. 1. True friends are rare, most are situationships When I was building the Misfit Way community, Everyone was like “go Amine”, “you rock amine”, “we support you amine”. But when I needed support the most? It's gone. (Almost) no one to be found. Most people root for you only when you're on the top. But when you are at rock bottom, They move on to...

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